612600030058 Piston Ring
The piston rings act to carry heat away from the hot piston into the cooled cylinder wall/block of the engine.
የፒስተን ቀለበቶች ሙቀቱን ከሞቀው ፒስተን ወደ ሞተሩ ወደ ቀዝቃያው ሲሊንደር ግድግዳ አከባቢ ለመውሰድ ይረዳሉ።
630.00 Br
612600030058 Piston Ring
The piston rings act to carry heat away from the hot piston into the cooled cylinder wall/block of the engine.
የፒስተን ቀለበቶች ሙቀቱን ከሞቀው ፒስተን ወደ ሞተሩ ወደ ቀዝቃያው ሲሊንደር ግድግዳ አከባቢ ለመውሰድ ይረዳሉ።
612600030058 Piston Ring
The piston rings act to carry heat away from the hot piston into the cooled cylinder wall/block of the engine.
የፒስተን ቀለበቶች ሙቀቱን ከሞቀው ፒስተን ወደ ሞተሩ ወደ ቀዝቃያው ሲሊንደር ግድግዳ አከባቢ ለመውሰድ ይረዳሉ።
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