Heavy Truck (Sino Truck) Spare Part Service in Hawassa, Ethiopia

SAMEN Spare parts Logo: A stylized representation of the company's name, with vibrant colors and modern design. SAMEN Spare Parts Service in Hawassa, Ethiopia

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  • What Is A Suspense Account, Why Is It Opened & How Is It Closed? Xero accounting

    MHT July 19, 2023

    Until they withdraw, the remittance stays in a suspense account, earning the financial institute or the BB enabler float/interest on that money. When customer withdrawal is completed, the money moves from the suspense account to the account of the agent who facilitated the cash withdrawal. Regularly review the items in a suspense account, with the […]

  • Understanding Accounts Payable AP With Examples and How to Record AP

    MHT March 29, 2023

    This guarantees prompt payments and enhances departmental collaboration. Outsource your accounts payable to APS for significant cost savings and operational efficiencies. We handle the complete AP process, from invoice processing to payment disbursement and reconciliation. Our team closely collaborates with your business to understand your unique needs and provide customized services. Working as a remote […]



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